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We partner with the defiant. The determined.
The independent thinkers.

While these types of founders are rare, we're happy when we meet them. 

We invent and/or invest in market-creating or market-disrupting technology ventures. 
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We're addicted to finding product-market fit

We de-risk and validate ideas through a rigorous venture process, helping founders make informed decisions to achieve successful ventures.
The process of introducing a project to the market is an arduous task that demands a wealth of domain-specific knowledge, exceptional aptitude, meticulous execution, strategic timing, and a modicum of serendipity. Moreover, it hinges on the elusive quest for a truly exceptional concept.
We engage in early-stage partnerships, often with companies in their nascent idea phase. Our expertise lies in deftly navigating the pivotal initial choices, which can have an outsized impact on propelling the trajectory of success toward exponential growth.


Ideas we're committed to: 7
Ideas we've killed: 24

Step 1. 

The enigmatic notion of a breakthrough concept contributes merely 28% towards a company's triumph. Our objective is to focus on the most intelligent yet unresolved predicaments, preferably ones that challenge established dominions.

Step 2.

The timing of launching a startup is crucial. In order to formulate a successful minimum viable product and go-to-market strategy, in-depth research is imperative. Such a strategy is then put through rigorous testing within a design thinking framework to ascertain the readiness of both the market and the consumers.

Step 3.

The realm of mathematics can present challenges to even the most astute of minds. However, it is imperative to establish a foundation of bottom-up economics at the outset of any project. Employing a structured model, subjecting it to controlled experimentation, and eventually expanding it through rigorous financial modeling are all critical steps in the process. Our extensive experience in this domain enables us to lead the initial stages of the mathematical development of your concept.

Step 4.

Getting funding is half the challenge; the other half is liking whom you're getting into bed with. We'll be helpful in finding the right capital audience. 

Step 5.

As we endeavor to fortify your organization at each phase of its existence, your enterprise shall sustain and expand autonomously.

We are direct.

Our style is not for everyone.

When we discern possibility, we make a concerted effort towards it. Initiating a pursuit is no facile task; it demands specialized knowledge, rare aptitude, impeccable implementation, auspicious timing, and a modicum of serendipity.

We prefer to engage ambitious high performers who are unwaveringly and determined to emerge victorious.


Leveraging our extensive experience in continually fine-tuning, reinforcing, funding, and scaling novel technological endeavors, we have honed our expertise over the years.

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Navigating market challenges entails embracing inherent risks, which necessitates a strategic approach to mitigate them. Our venture process is fortified with a systematic validation methodology that serves to de-risk and bolster your ideas into ventures.

By leveraging our reason and process, we assist founders in identifying and leveraging critical data points to make informed decisions that can either validate or terminate their ideas, resulting in a successful venture. Our approach is anchored on a well-established and rigorous process that is time-tested, enabling us to deploy capital and other resources effectively towards achieving your venture goals

Ideas we’re interested in launching through the lab or funding:

PERSONAL DATA / Data aggregation to review your personal data on the internet and remove such data.

PERSONAL DATA / Modern identity theft tools/pseudonym orchestration & tracking

PERSONAL DATA / Non tokenized decentralized or mesh network-enabled personal data storage and or communication systems

PERSONAL DATA / Consortium models to programmatically facilitate legal action against data incumbents around data liability and ownership.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / Preemptive usage monitoring solutions for GPU clouds to be able to detect AI attacks or disinformation by utilization patterns

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / Content provenance and authentication/AI participation detection

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / Gamification within the human detection of disinformation and or AI produced content

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE / Developer tools and frameworks to improve detection of disinformation/synthetic media and or AI produced content or deep fakes

FRAMEWORKS / AP protocol type models to identify contributory 'futures'/betting markets using social and political trends

FRAMEWORKS / Who's building the next REACT or VUE.js framework?

FRAMEWORKS / Open-sourced design systems with tokenized coded components. 

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